Everything is normal until one day, it isn’t. You wake up feeling strange, maybe dizzy or nauseous. You might have pain somewhere you never have before. Fear comes over you because who isn’t afraid of …
Don’t Wait Until You’re Sick

Healthy bodies and minds, naturally.
Everything is normal until one day, it isn’t. You wake up feeling strange, maybe dizzy or nauseous. You might have pain somewhere you never have before. Fear comes over you because who isn’t afraid of …
Do you use cayenne pepper in your cooking? Did you know it’s one of nature’s most powerful medicines? It’s also one of my favorites. My husband and I consume cayenne, if not daily, then weekly. …
It has been difficult for me to be still. I am laid back and primarily easy-going, but being still used to be difficult. Several years ago, I began meditating in earnest. I wanted to learn …
What is herbalism, and why did I spend years learning about it? If you’ve read my story on the About page, you’ll know that I had a health crisis that I solved with only natural …
There once was a girl who had more kindness in her soul than ten people. She loved giving things away. It was like she carried a basket of apples, and she gave one to everyone …
When I was younger I used to struggle and get frustrated when I would write. I could hear the perfect words in my head and knew what I wanted to say, but they wouldn’t come …
An excerpt from my travel memoir, You, Me, and Kiki – as yet unfinished. Anyone who has been to Greece knows about the cats. There are cats everywhere. Everywhere. Some are ragged and starving, but …
There are days when I wake up raring to go, filled with plans and ready to put them into action. And then there are days, like today when I feel like I’m out of gas. …
Originally published on Medium on January 29, 2024 The mark of a mature, open-minded, thinking adult is the understanding that perception is not necessarily reality. You can step back from a situation and understand that …
Whenever I or a patient are in need of healing from a cold or flu, this is my go to. I will often give other remedies, such as oregano oil, to combat the virus, but …